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Home » PC Components » Power Supply » Cooler Master Digital 1200 Titanium PSU Unveiled at Computex 2014 VIP Meeting Room

Cooler Master Digital 1200 Titanium PSU Unveiled at Computex 2014 VIP Meeting Room

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Cooler Master’s brand new 80 Plus Titanium Digital power supply – the Cooler Master Digital 1200 Titanium PSU, which was recently unveiled during Computex 2014, is a fully modular unit that utilizes Bluetooth to communicate directly to your smart phone for total system control. An included phone app enables you to monitor power consumption, efficiency, and temperature information whenever you need it. Users can also control the fan speed remotely to keep their system cooler or quieter.

Cooler Master Digital 1200 PSU

The current version of the app is demoed with the Android operating system, but Cooler Master also plans to have Apple iOS and Windows versions in the future.

So far this is the only information I have regarding the Cooler Master Digital 1200 Titanium PSU. I’ll post an update once the detailed features and full specifications of this modular PSU has been disclosed.

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A PC enthusiast and a gamer, and my eyes eat frames for breakfast, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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